How to Insert And Manage Your Advertisement In WordPress

Advertisements are the best way to monetize your website.

Are you looking for the best advertisement management plugin for your WordPress site? 

Many WordPress site owners rely on advertisements to generate revenue by monetizing their websites.

In this article, we will discuss how to insert and manage your ads in your WordPress site with the help of a plugin to optimize your advertising revenue.

Why Use Advertising Plugin For WordPress Site

Around 60% of the available websites are working on WordPress and most of the website owners and blog creators depend heavily on advertisements to generate revenue. A WordPress advertising plugin easily manages your ads and helps you in easy placement on the website.

In general, WordPress sites do not come with an easy mechanism to insert and manage your ads and even most of the WordPress themes don’t even have dedicated space and spots to display your ads. This means that you need an external plugin to edit theme files so that you can insert and manage your online ads. 

Using an advertising plugin means you are more likely to increase user engagement, conversions, and sales. It also improves the SEO score for your advertisement and allows audiences to discover more content along with the ads.

How To Insert And Manage Your Ads

Do you want to insert ads inside the content, between the posts, and on the website? Generally, you have to insert ads either after the first paragraph or the second paragraph. In short, there are only two methods of inserting your ads on the WordPress site- Manual Coding And using Ads Plugin. In this section, we will focus on how to insert ads with the help of a plugin. If you are a beginner or experienced site owner who wants to insert ads on the website to generate revenue taking less risk and tension then the WordPress advertising plugin will be the best suited for you.

Using an advertising plugin is the easiest way to insert your ads in the post, above or below the post, on the top, corner, and middle of your web page. Simply install and activate a plugin like- WPAdSense on your WordPress site to insert your ads.

  • Upon activation, the plugin will add a new “WPAdSense” menu to your administrator section. 
  • Click on WPAdSense to add new ads by simply adding the name of your advertisement, enter the ad code, and select the paragraph you want to display the advertisement. 
  • Now, you can select the image, videos, and GIFs from the library to add them to your advertisement. 
  • Next, you can select which post types you want to show your ads on such as posts, pages, and custom post types.

After completing all these easy steps, you can save your advertisement and activate your ads to publish it on your WordPress site.


An Advertising plugin not only makes your work easier but also helps you in inserting and easy management of your advertisement. I hope this article will help you in easy management of online advertisement on the WordPress sites.

If you are looking for the best advertising plugin to manage your advertisement then WPAdSense is the best advertising plugin you can rely on.

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